This is The Perfect Haven For Vintage guitars and more so Welcome to

Introduction to guitarhaven WebSite


I once had a poster with a slogan which read "Music is heard with the ears and understood with the heart". This is very true, and here we have a collection of vintage and rare guitars to wet your appetite.

There are also mandolins and Ukuleles in their relevant sections.

We have tried to make this site accessible to people with a sight disability who use screen readers so if you have any problems negotiating this site please send an email to bones at and let me know.

The site is currently being updated and the various life stories will be moved into music alley, I hope you find the site interesting and give us a regular visit.

Sample Collection

Dobro_Model 190a Mancello Mandola 1897 Mandola Baritone Vintage

Here's some of our collection of stringed instruments. Before you go, take a look in the music alley section. In there we have put some links to guitar coaches for expert tuition and links for spares and repairs. We have included details for your reference / information as much as possible but if you want more, then send me an email. All items offered for sale can be purchased through PayPal for your protection.

Rule Britannia Best wishes from